Monday, June 29, 2009

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love isn't enough
not as of yet

Whether it will ever be
I wouldn't take that bet

It's been enough
but only for a few

Jesus, Budda, Ghandi, maybe even you
but still too few.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A little bit of time, mixed with a little bit of patients - leads to everything

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Have A Friend

When it comes to food
it doesn't matter if it's nutritious
so long as it's delicious!

I've never seen her in a toga
but I know she loves Yoga

With her camera she is trigger-happy
and on her computer she is quite chatty

She says she thinks that she is very selfish
but jumping off a bridge is more like a death wish

Inspiration describes her smiles
Proof: "Smiles for Miles!"

Of course she has a world-view!
She's from PerĂº!!!

It's a good thing she can't cook or bake
because she'd never stop making cheese cake!

She likes to dance in bars
But did I mention.....
She's from Mars?